Info Species Names Crypts Plant species Encycloquaria CoF
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | H | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | s
HAB | HAL | HAN | HAR | HAT | HDS | HEI | HEL | HER | HET | HEZ | HIL | HIS | HLD | HLL | HMI | HMN | HMZ | HNZ | HOE | HOF | HOI | HRM | HSS | HUB | HUM | HUT | aff HEZ
H killifish

Papiliolebias habluetzeli

Papiliolebias habluetzeli

Papiliolebias habluetzeli Valdesalici, Nielsen, Brousseau & Phunkner, 2016

Papiliolebias habluetzeli (Cyprinodontiformes: Cynolebiidae) a new miniature annual fish from the upper Rio Mamoré, Bolivia
Stefano Valdesalici, Dalton Tavares Bressane Nielsen, Roger Brousseau and Jurij Phunkner
Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 22 (4): 155-164, 2016

Aphyosemion hanneloreae hanneloreae
Malinga -
Mimongo -

Aphyosemion hanneloreae

Rivulus hartii

Rivulus hartii

Papiliolebias hatinne
Rt_81-GAK_4-06 -
Pilcomayo_River -

Papiliolebias hatinne

Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) hamadrydes Costa 2018

Hypsolebias hamadryades

Aphyosemion heinmanni
Bipindi -
Song_Mahi -

Aphyosemion heinmanni


Simpsonichthys hellneri

Fundulus heteroclitus

Fundulus heteroclitus

Epiplatys hildegardae

Epiplatys hildegardae

Valencia hispanica

Valencia hispanica

Profundulus hildebrandi

Profundulus hildebrandi


Moema hellneri

aff -
holo -  Holtype

Rivulus holmiae

Nothobranchius hoermanni
Bumburi -
Mhwale_River -

Nothobranchius hoermanni

Aphaniops hormuzensis
Govdar_River -
Jahrom-Lar -

Aphaniops hormuzensis

Poropanchax luxophthalmus hannerzi
Afanji -
Niger_Delta -  holotype -

Poropanchax hannerzi

Subspecies of Poropanchax luxophthalmus


Rivulus (anabl.) hoetmeri

Aphyosemion hofmanni
BSWG_97-14 GBBW_00-20
GBG_93-17 Mimongo

Aphyosemion hofmanni


Pterolebias hoignei

Kryptolebias hermaphroditus

Kryptolebias hermaphroditus

Bunkeya -

Nothobranchius hassoni

Rachovia hummelincki

Rachovia hummelincki


Micropanchax hutereaui

"Lampeyes are the least studied group of killifishes. There are numerous preserved lampeye collections that couldn't be identified. For example: Micropanchax is a genus of small species that inhabit the eastern African savannah. However in the middle of the Congo basin an undescribed lampeye was collected near Kindu. Probably a relict from the time that the Congo basin was still a savannah A similar phenomenon is found in southeastern Cameroon, where hutereaui ( a savannah species) lives in an isolated piece of Savannah in the middle of the rain forest" - JVDZ

Sorted by Code
HAA   Aphyosemion haasi
HAE   Cynolebias haerteli
HAL   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) halleri
HAR   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) hartii
HAS   Epiplatys (=ROF) roloffi hastingsi
HBB   Cyprinodon hubbsi
HDS   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) hamadryades
HEI   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) heinemanni
HEL   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) hellneri
HEN   Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) hendrichsi
HER   Aphyosemion (Iconisemion) hera
HEY   Rivulus (Kryptolebias) heyei
HGY   Fundulus hieroglyphicus
HID   Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) hildebrandi
HIG   Cyprinodon higuey
HII   Rivulus (Atlantirivulus) haraldsarolii
HIL   Epiplatys (Parepiplatys) hildegardae
HJE   Aphyosemion (=AUS) australe hjerreseni
HLG   Austrolebias holmbergi
HLP   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) heloplites
HMI   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) holmiae
HMS   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) harmonicus
HMZ   Aphanius (Aphaniops) hormuzensis
HNG   Nothobranchius (Adiniops) hengstleri
HNS   Fundulus henshalli
HOE   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) hoetmeri
HOF   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) hofmanni
HOL   Aphyosemion (=BIV) bivittatum hollyi
HRD   Orestias hardini
HRM   Rivulus (Kryptolebias) hermaphroditus
HSS   Nothobranchius (Zononothobranchius) hassoni
HTS   Moema heterostigma
HUA   Aphyosemion (=OCC) huwaldi
HUB   Epiplatys (Epiplatys) huberi
HUW   Epiplatys (=FAS) fasciolatus huwaldi
Sorted by Genus
HMZ   Aphanius (Aphaniops) hormuzensis

HAA   Aphyosemion haasi
HOF   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) hofmanni
HER   Aphyosemion (Iconisemion) hera
HJE   Aphyosemion (=AUS) australe hjerreseni
HOL   Aphyosemion (=BIV) bivittatum hollyi
HEI   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) heinemanni
HUA   Aphyosemion (=OCC) huwaldi
HAL   Aphyosemion (Mesoaphyosemion) halleri

HLG   Austrolebias holmbergi

HAE   Cynolebias haerteli

HBB   Cyprinodon hubbsi
HIG   Cyprinodon higuey

HUB   Epiplatys (Epiplatys) huberi
HAS   Epiplatys (=ROF) roloffi hastingsi
HUW   Epiplatys (=FAS) fasciolatus huwaldi
HIL   Epiplatys (Parepiplatys) hildegardae

HNS   Fundulus henshalli
HGY   Fundulus hieroglyphicus

HTS   Moema heterostigma

HNG   Nothobranchius (Adiniops) hengstleri
HSS   Nothobranchius (Zononothobranchius) hassoni

HRD   Orestias hardini

HAR   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) hartii
HID   Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) hildebrandi
HRM   Rivulus (Kryptolebias) hermaphroditus
HMI   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) holmiae
HOE   Rivulus (Anablepsoides) hoetmeri
HEN   Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) hendrichsi
HEY   Rivulus (Kryptolebias) heyei
HII   Rivulus (Atlantirivulus) haraldsarolii

HDS   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) hamadryades
HMS   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) harmonicus
HLP   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) heloplites
HEL   Simpsonichthys (Hypsolebias) hellneri

Sorted by Species
HJE   australe hjerreseni, (=AUS) Aphyosemion
HOL   bivittatum hollyi, (=BIV) Aphyosemion
HUW   fasciolatus huwaldi, (=FAS) Epiplatys
HAA   haasi, Aphyosemion
HAE   haerteli, Cynolebias
HAL   halleri, (Mesoaphyosemion) Aphyosemion
HDS   hamadryades, (Hypsolebias) Simpsonichthys
HII   haraldsarolii, (Atlantirivulus) Rivulus
HRD   hardini, Orestias
HMS   harmonicus, (Hypsolebias) Simpsonichthys
HAR   hartii, (Anablepsoides) Rivulus
HSS   hassoni, (Zononothobranchius) Nothobranchius
HEI   heinemanni, (Mesoaphyosemion) Aphyosemion
HEL   hellneri, (Hypsolebias) Simpsonichthys
HLP   heloplites, (Hypsolebias) Simpsonichthys
HEN   hendrichsi, (Cynodonichthys) Rivulus
HNG   hengstleri, (Adiniops) Nothobranchius
HNS   henshalli, Fundulus
HER   hera, (Iconisemion) Aphyosemion
HRM   hermaphroditus, (Kryptolebias) Rivulus
HTS   heterostigma, Moema
HEY   heyei, (Kryptolebias) Rivulus
HGY   hieroglyphicus, Fundulus
HIG   higuey, Cyprinodon
HID   hildebrandi, (Cynodonichthys) Rivulus
HIL   hildegardae, (Parepiplatys) Epiplatys
HOE   hoetmeri, (Anablepsoides) Rivulus
HOF   hofmanni, (Mesoaphyosemion) Aphyosemion
HLG   holmbergi, Austrolebias
HMI   holmiae, (Anablepsoides) Rivulus
HMZ   hormuzensis, (Aphaniops) Aphanius
HBB   hubbsi, Cyprinodon
HUB   huberi, (Epiplatys) Epiplatys
HUA   huwaldi, (=OCC) Aphyosemion
HAS   roloffi hastingsi, (=ROF) Epiplatys

VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton