HMN - Nothobranchius hoermanni "Mhwale River"
Info Species Names Crypts Plant species Encycloquaria CoF
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | H | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | s
HAB | HAL | HAN | HAR | HAT | HDS | HEI | HEL | HER | HET | HEZ | HIL | HIS | HLD | HLL | HMI | HMN | HMZ | HNZ | HOE | HOF | HOI | HRM | HSS | HUB | HUM | HUT | aff HEZ


"Here is a photograph of a wild-caught male from another population of this species that we collected in 2003 from a locality about 20-25 km southeast of Holger's site. Our location code for the locality was "Mhwale River 03-10". It was syntopic there with a population of N. ottoschmidti." - Brian Watters, February 12, 2021, Facebook.

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Richard J. Sexton