SID - Callopanchax sidibeorum
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a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | S
SAI | SAK | SAN | SAO | SAT | SBI | SCA | SCE | SCH | SCI | SCL | SCR | SDA | SDD | SDS | SEE | SEG | SEP | SER | SEX | SEY | SGN | SHE | SHI | SID | SIE | SIG | SII | SIM | SIN | SIO | SIR | SJO | SKE | SKI | SLC | SLD | SLF | SLI | SLK | SLS | SLU | SLZ | SMI | SMO | SMS | SNI | SNL | SNS | SNT | SOJ | SOP | SPD | SPE | SPI | SPK | SPL | SPM | SPO | SPP | SPS | SPU | SPX | SRT | SSI | SSM | SSS | STA | STC | STF | STI | STL | STN | STP | STR | STS | STU | STV | STY | STZ | SUR | SUS | SVT | SWO | SYL | SYM | p
CI | GM 08-02 | GM 97-2 | GMC 22-11 | xref



Holotype shown in image (A), paratypes in (B) and (C).



Link to Original species description by Sonnenberg & Busch.

Original spelling sidibei emended to sidibeorum in an Erratum, Sonnenberg & Busch, 2011. Huber 2011:15 considers sibibei as the correct original spelling that should be maintained.

The species name was based on Mr. Samba Sidibe and his family; Catalog of fishes treats sidibei as an incorrect original spelling, and that must be emended to sidibeorum according to Art. 31.1.2-3.

•Valid as Callopanchax sidibeorum Sonnenberg & Busch 2010 -- (Costa 2015:141 [ref. 35411]). Current status: Valid as Callopanchax sidibeorum Sonnenberg & Busch 2010. Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: Kindia Region, Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

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VRx Copyright 2024
Richard J. Sexton