SMS - Procatopus similis
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Barombi | Buea | Djandje | Idenau | Kumba | Mahongue | Mundemba | Muyuka | Supe
Jouke Vdz (2022):
P. simlilis has the pelvic fin inserted almost below the pectoral fin.

Jouke Vdz (2019):
"The problem with P. similis is that we don't know what it looks like. The types (from Douala) were dried out in the past, so impossible to compare them with phenotypes we know. Seems that the area around Douala is polluted. No new records of P. similis from here. North, east and south of Douala different phenotypes occur, but which one is the real P. similis? The type locality was outside Douala, but is know in the city. Maybe it is still present in the red oval below?"


From Lac Barombi in Barombi Mbo, Cameroon. This form has yellow in some fins instead of red and an extremely intense coloration and although the photos appears bizarre that's just because of the absurd amount of light it reflects back, look at the Epiplatys behind it.


Kumba is quite nearby to Lac Barombi and both forms from here have yellow instead of red in the anal and pectoral fins.




If Supe is north of Kumba, then this is probably P. glaucicaudis, one of Clausen's species that were synonymized. In this case with P. similis. As I wrote earlier almost every synonym in lampeyes is not justified. I recently studied many Nile lampeyes, many many Plataplochilus and A. spilauchen. I'm sure Procatopus contains far more species than the 3 recognized at present. - JVDZ

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Richard J. Sexton